recti namespace


class Recti
A class for saying hello in multiple languages.
class Vdcorput
van der Corput sequence generator
class halton
Halton sequence generator.
template<typename T = int>
class Interval
template<typename T1 = int, typename T2 = T1>
class MergeObj
Merging Object (for deferred-merge embedding (DME) algorithm)
template<typename T1 = int, typename T2 = T1>
class Point
template<typename T>
class Polygon
template<typename T>
struct Rectangle
Rectangle (Rectilinear)
template<typename T>
struct HSegment
Horizontal Line Segment.
template<typename T>
struct VSegment
Vertical Line Segment.
template<typename T>
class RPolygon
Rectilinear Polygon.
template<typename T1, typename T2 = T1>
class Vector2


enum class LanguageCode { EN, DE, ES, FR }


template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto overlap(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> bool -> auto constexpr
Checks if two objects overlap.
template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto contain(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> bool -> auto constexpr
Check if one object contains another object.
template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto intersection(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> auto constexpr
Computes the intersection of two objects.
template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto min_dist(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> auto constexpr
Calculates the minimum distance between two objects lhs and rhs.
template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto min_dist_change(U1& lhs, U2& rhs) -> auto constexpr
Calculates the minimum distance between two objects lhs and rhs, with the ability to handle a change in the objects.
auto vdc(unsigned num, unsigned base = 2, unsigned scale = 10) noexcept -> unsigned -> auto
van der Corput sequence
template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto enlarge(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> auto constexpr
Enlarges an interval or scalar value by adding and subtracting a given value.
template<class Stream, typename T>
auto operator<<(Stream& out, const Polygon<T>& poly) -> Stream & -> auto
Writes the vertices of a polygon to an output stream in a format suitable for rendering.
template<typename FwIter, typename Compare>
void create_mono_polygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last, Compare&& dir)
Create a monotone polygon from a range of points.
template<typename FwIter>
auto create_xmono_polygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> void -> auto
Create a xmono Polygon object.
template<typename FwIter>
auto create_ymono_polygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> void -> auto
Create a ymono Polygon object.
template<typename T>
auto point_in_polygon(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset, const Point<T>& ptq) -> bool -> auto
Determine if a point is within a polygon.
template<typename T>
auto polygon_is_clockwise(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset) -> bool -> auto
Determines if a polygon represented by a range of points is oriented clockwise.
template<typename FwIter, typename KeyFn>
auto create_mono_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last, KeyFn&& dir) -> bool -> auto
Create a x-monotone rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.
template<typename FwIter>
auto create_xmono_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> bool -> auto
Create a x-monotone rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.
template<typename FwIter>
auto create_ymono_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> bool -> auto
Create a y-monotone rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.
template<typename FwIter>
void create_test_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last)
Create a test rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.
template<typename T>
auto point_in_rpolygon(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset, const Point<T>& ptq) -> bool -> auto
Determine if a point is within a rectilinear polygon.
template<typename T>
auto rpolygon_is_clockwise(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset) -> bool -> auto
Determine if a rectilinear polygon is oriented clockwise.

Enum documentation

enum class recti::LanguageCode

Language codes to be used with the Recti class

Function documentation

template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto recti::overlap(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> bool constexpr

Checks if two objects overlap.

Template parameters
U1 The type of the first object.
U2 The type of the second object.
lhs The first object to check for overlap.
rhs The second object to check for overlap.
Returns true if the two objects overlap, false otherwise.

This function checks if the two input objects lhs and rhs overlap with each other. It first checks if the lhs object has an overlaps member function that can be called with rhs as an argument. If so, it calls that function and returns the result. If not, it checks if the rhs object has an overlaps member function that can be called with lhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If neither object has an overlaps member function, the function simply checks if the two objects are equal and returns the result.

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template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto recti::contain(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) -> bool constexpr

Check if one object contains another object.

Template parameters
U1 The type of the first object.
U2 The type of the second object.
lhs The first object to check for containment.
rhs The second object to check for containment.
Returns true if the first object contains the second object, false otherwise.

This function checks if the first object lhs contains the second object rhs. It first checks if lhs has a contains member function that can be called with rhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If lhs does not have a contains member function, it checks if rhs has a contains member function that can be called with lhs as an argument, and returns false if that is the case (since rhs contains lhs implies that lhs does not contain rhs). If neither object has a contains member function, the function simply checks if the two objects are equal and returns the result.

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template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto recti::intersection(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) constexpr

Computes the intersection of two objects.

Template parameters
U1 The type of the first object.
U2 The type of the second object.
lhs in The first object.
rhs in The second object.
Returns The intersection of lhs and rhs.

This function computes the intersection of the two input objects lhs and rhs. It first checks if lhs has an intersect_with member function that can be called with rhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If lhs does not have an intersect_with member function, it checks if rhs has an intersect_with member function that can be called with lhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If neither object has an intersect_with member function, the function asserts that lhs and rhs are equal and returns lhs.

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template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto recti::min_dist(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) constexpr

Calculates the minimum distance between two objects lhs and rhs.

Template parameters
U1 The type of the first object.
U2 The type of the second object.
lhs in The first object.
rhs in The second object.
Returns The minimum distance between lhs and rhs.
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The function first checks if lhs has a min_dist_with member function that can be called with rhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If lhs does not have a min_dist_with member function, it checks if rhs has a min_dist_with member function that can be called with lhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If neither object has a min_dist_with member function, the function returns the absolute difference between lhs and rhs.

template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto recti::min_dist_change(U1& lhs, U2& rhs) constexpr

Calculates the minimum distance between two objects lhs and rhs, with the ability to handle a change in the objects.

Template parameters
U1 The type of the first object.
U2 The type of the second object.
lhs in The first object.
rhs in The second object.
Returns The minimum distance between lhs and rhs, with the ability to handle a change in the objects.

The function first checks if lhs has a min_dist_change_with member function that can be called with rhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If lhs does not have a min_dist_change_with member function, it checks if rhs has a min_dist_change_with member function that can be called with lhs as an argument, and returns the result of that call. If neither object has a min_dist_change_with member function, the function returns the absolute difference between lhs and rhs.

auto recti::vdc(unsigned num, unsigned base = 2, unsigned scale = 10) noexcept -> unsigned

van der Corput sequence

base in
scale in
Returns unsigned

template<typename U1, typename U2>
auto recti::enlarge(const U1& lhs, const U2& rhs) constexpr

Enlarges an interval or scalar value by adding and subtracting a given value.

Template parameters
U1 The type of the first parameter lhs.
U2 The type of the second parameter rhs.
lhs The interval or scalar value to be enlarged.
rhs The value to enlarge the interval or scalar value by.
Returns The enlarged interval or scalar value.

This function takes two parameters, lhs and rhs, and returns a new interval that is enlarged by the value of rhs. If lhs has an enlarge_with member function, it is used to enlarge the interval. Otherwise, a new interval is created with the lower bound as lhs - rhs and the upper bound as lhs + rhs.

template<class Stream, typename T>
auto recti::operator<<(Stream& out, const Polygon<T>& poly) -> Stream &

Writes the vertices of a polygon to an output stream in a format suitable for rendering.

Template parameters
Stream The type of the output stream to write to.
T The numeric type used to represent the coordinates of the polygon vertices.
out The output stream to write the polygon vertices to.
poly The polygon to write to the output stream.
Returns The output stream, for method chaining.

This function writes the vertices of the given polygon to the provided output stream in a format that can be used to render the polygon, such as in a vector graphics format like SVG or LaTeX. Each vertex is written on a new line, prefixed with "\\draw " to indicate that it should be rendered as a drawing command.

template<typename FwIter, typename Compare>
void recti::create_mono_polygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last, Compare&& dir)

Create a monotone polygon from a range of points.

Template parameters
FwIter The type of the forward iterator over the points.
Compare The type of the comparison function for the points.
first The beginning of the range of points.
last The end of the range of points.
dir The comparison function for the points.

This function takes a range of points represented by the iterators first and last, and a comparison function dir that defines the order of the points. It then creates a monotone polygon from the points by partitioning them into two halves based on their position relative to the line connecting the minimum and maximum points in the range. The two halves are then sorted in ascending order using the provided comparison function, and the second half is reversed.

template<typename FwIter>
auto recti::create_xmono_polygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> void

Create a xmono Polygon object.

Template parameters
FwIter The type of the forward iterator over the points.
first in The beginning of the range of points.
last in The end of the range of points.

This function creates a monotone polygon from a range of points represented by the iterators first and last. It uses a comparison function that compares the points based on their x and y coordinates.

template<typename FwIter>
auto recti::create_ymono_polygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> void

Create a ymono Polygon object.

Template parameters
FwIter The type of the forward iterator over the points.
first in The beginning of the range of points.
last in The end of the range of points.

This function creates a monotone polygon from a range of points represented by the iterators first and last. It uses a comparison function that compares the points based on their y and x coordinates.

template<typename T>
auto recti::point_in_polygon(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset, const Point<T>& ptq) -> bool

Determine if a point is within a polygon.

Template parameters
T The type of the coordinates of the points in the polygon
pointset The range of points representing the polygon
ptq The point to test
Returns true if the point is strictly inside the polygon, false if the point is strictly outside the polygon

This function determines whether a given point is strictly inside, strictly outside, or on the boundary of a polygon represented by a range of points. It uses the Winding Number algorithm to make this determination.

The code below is from Wm. Randolph Franklin (see URL below) with some minor modifications for integer. It returns true for strictly interior points, false for strictly exterior, and ub for points on the boundary. The boundary behavior is complex but determined; in particular, for a partition of a region into polygons, each Point is "in" exactly one Polygon. (See p.243 of [O'Rourke (C)] for a discussion of boundary behavior.)

See Subject 2.03

template<typename T>
auto recti::polygon_is_clockwise(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset) -> bool

Determines if a polygon represented by a range of points is oriented clockwise.

Template parameters
T The type of the coordinates of the points in the polygon.
pointset The range of points representing the polygon.
Returns true if the polygon is oriented clockwise, false otherwise.

template<typename FwIter, typename KeyFn>
auto recti::create_mono_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last, KeyFn&& dir) -> bool

Create a x-monotone rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.

Template parameters
FwIter The iterator type for the range of points.
KeyFn The type of the key function that extracts the x and y coordinates of each point.
first in The beginning of the range of points.
last in The end of the range of points.
dir in The key function that extracts the x and y coordinates of each point.
Returns true if the resulting RPolygon is anti-clockwise, false otherwise.

This function takes a range of points represented by iterators first and last, and a key function dir that extracts the x and y coordinates of each point. It then creates an monotone RPolygon object from the given points.

template<typename FwIter>
auto recti::create_xmono_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> bool

Create a x-monotone rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.

Template parameters
FwIter The iterator type for the range of points.
first in The beginning of the range of points.
last in The end of the range of points.
Returns true if the resulting RPolygon is anti-clockwise, false otherwise.

This function takes a range of points represented by iterators first and last, and creates an x-monotone RPolygon object from the given points.

template<typename FwIter>
auto recti::create_ymono_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last) -> bool

Create a y-monotone rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.

Template parameters
FwIter The iterator type for the range of points.
first in The beginning of the range of points.
last in The end of the range of points.
Returns true if the resulting RPolygon is clockwise, false otherwise.

This function takes a range of points represented by iterators first and last, and creates an y-monotone RPolygon object from the given points.

template<typename FwIter>
void recti::create_test_rpolygon(FwIter&& first, FwIter&& last)

Create a test rectilinear polygon (RPolygon) object.

Template parameters
FwIter The iterator type for the range of points.
first in The beginning of the range of points.
last in The end of the range of points.

This function takes a range of points represented by iterators first and last, and creates a test RPolygon object from the given points. The resulting RPolygon is either clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on the relative positions of the points.

template<typename T>
auto recti::point_in_rpolygon(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset, const Point<T>& ptq) -> bool

Determine if a point is within a rectilinear polygon.

Template parameters
T The numeric type of the point coordinates.
pointset The set of points defining the rectilinear polygon.
ptq The point to test for inclusion in the polygon.
Returns true if the point is strictly inside the polygon, false if the point is strictly outside the polygon, and an unspecified boolean value if the point is on the boundary of the polygon.

This function implements the Wm. Randolph Franklin algorithm to determine if a given point is strictly inside, strictly outside, or on the boundary of a rectilinear polygon defined by the provided set of points.

See Subject 2.03

template<typename T>
auto recti::rpolygon_is_clockwise(gsl::span<const Point<T>> pointset) -> bool

Determine if a rectilinear polygon is oriented clockwise.

Template parameters
T The numeric type of the point coordinates.
pointset The set of points defining the rectilinear polygon.
Returns true if the polygon is oriented clockwise, false otherwise.

This function takes a span of points defining a rectilinear polygon and determines if the polygon is oriented in a clockwise direction.