fun namespace
template<typename _P, typename _L, template<typename P, typename L> class Derived>struct ck
template<typename P, typename L = typename P::dual>struct ellck
- Elliptic Plane.
template<typename P, typename L = typename P::dual>struct hyck
- Hyperbolic Plane.
template<Integral Z>struct Fraction
- Fraction.
template<typename P, typename L = typename P::dual>class persp_euclid_plane
template<ring _K>struct pg_point
template<ring _K>struct pg_line
- Projective line: two dimensional subspace of K^3.
template<ring _K, typename _dual>class pg_object
- Projective object.
template<typename P, typename L>class involution
template<typename P, typename L>class involution_generic
template<typename T>using Value_type = typename T::value_type
template<typename T>using Element_type = typename std::decay<decltype(back(std::declval<T>()))>::type
template<typename P>using Triple = std::tuple<P, P, P>
template<ordered_ring Q_t>auto check_sine_law(const Triple<Q_t>& Q, const Triple<Q_t>& S) -> bool -> auto constexpr
- check sine law
template<ordered_ring K>auto check_cross_TQF(const Triple<K>& Q) -> auto constexpr
template<ordered_ring K>auto check_cross_law(const Triple<K>& S, const K& q3) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto fB(const L& l) -> typename L::dual -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto is_perpendicular(const L& l, const L& m) -> bool -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto is_parallel(const L& l, const L& m) -> bool -> auto constexpr
template<typename P, typename L>auto altitude(const P& a, const L& l) -> L -> requires constexpr Projective_
plane_ coord<P, L> auto -
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto tri_altitude(const Triple<P>& tri) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto orthocenter(const Triple<P>& tri) -> P -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto reflect(const L& m) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto midpoint(const P& a, const P& b) -> P -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto tri_midpoint(const Triple<P>& tri) -> Triple< P > -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto uc_point(const Value_
type<P>& lda1, const Value_ type<P>& mu1) -> auto constexpr -
template<ordered_ring _Q>auto Ar(const _Q& a, const _Q& b, const _Q& c) -> auto constexpr
- Archimedes's function.
template<typename _Q>auto cqq(const _Q& a, const _Q& b, const _Q& c, const _Q& d) -> auto constexpr
- Cyclic quadrilateral quadrea theorem.
template<typename T>auto Ptolemy(const T& quad) -> bool -> auto constexpr
template<typename K>auto quad1(const K& x1, const K& z1, const K& x2, const K& z2) -> requires constexpr Integral<K> auto
template<typename K>auto quad1(const K& x1, const K& z1, const K& x2, const K& z2) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto quadrance(const P& a1, const P& a2) -> auto constexpr
template<typename... Args>auto quadrance_copy(const Args&... args) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L, typename T>auto sbase(const L& l1, const L& l2, const T& d) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto spread(const L& l1, const L& l2) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto tri_quadrance(const Triple<P>& triangle) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto tri_spread(const Triple<L>& trilateral) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto cross_s(const L& l1, const L& l2) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto distance(const P& a, const P& b) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>auto angle(const L& l, const L& m) -> auto constexpr
template<typename T>auto abs(const T& a) -> T -> auto constexpr
- absolute
template<Integral _Mn>auto gcd_recur(const _Mn& __m, const _Mn& __n) -> _Mn -> auto constexpr
- Greatest common divider.
template<Integral _Mn>auto gcd(const _Mn& __m, const _Mn& __n) -> _Mn -> auto constexpr
- Greatest common divider.
template<Integral _Mn>auto lcm(const _Mn& __m, const _Mn& __n) -> _Mn -> auto constexpr
- Least common multiple.
template<ring _K>auto cross0(const std::array<_K, 3>& v, const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K -> auto
- 1st term of Cross product
template<ring _K>auto cross1(const std::array<_K, 3>& v, const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K -> auto
- 2nd term of Cross product
template<ring _K>auto cross2(const std::array<_K, 3>& v, const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K -> auto
- 3rd term of Cross product
template<typename P>auto cross(const P& v, const P& w) -> std::array< Value_type< P >, 3 > -> requires ring<Value_
type<P>> auto - Cross product.
template<ring _K>auto dot_c(const std::array<_K, 3>& v, const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K -> auto
- Dot product.
template<ring _T, ring _K>auto plucker_c(const _T& ld, const std::array<_K, 3>& v1, const _T& mu, const std::array<_K, 3>& v2) -> std::array< _K, 3 > -> auto
- generic Plucker function
template<ring _K>auto dot1(const std::array<_K, 3>& v, const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K -> auto
- dot product of the (0,1)-component of two vectors
template<ring _K>auto dot2(const std::array<_K, 3>& v, const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K -> auto
- dot product of the (0,2)-component of two vectors
template<typename T>auto sq(const T& a) -> auto constexpr
- Square function.
template<ring _K>auto meet(const pg_
line<_K>& l, const pg_ line<_K>& m) -> pg_point< _K > -> auto constexpr - Return meet of two lines.
template<typename P, ring _K = Value_type<P>>auto plucker(const _K& ld1, const P& p, const _K& mu1, const P& q) -> P -> auto constexpr
template<ring _K, typename _dual, class _Stream>auto operator<<(_Stream& os, const pg_
object<_K, _dual>& p) -> _Stream & -> auto -
template<ring _K>auto join(const pg_
point<_K>& p, const pg_ point<_K>& q) -> pg_line< _K > -> auto constexpr - Return join of two points.
template<typename P, typename L>auto incident(const P& p, const L& l) -> bool -> requires constexpr Projective_
plane<P, L> auto -
template<typename L, typename... Args>requires(Projective_
plane_ prim<L, Args>&& ...) const expr auto coincident(const L &l - Coincident.
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>auto tri_dual(const Triple<P>& tri) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P, typename Fn>auto tri_func(Fn&& func, const Triple<P>& tri) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>auto persp(const Triple<P>& tri1, const Triple<P>& tri2) -> bool -> auto constexpr
- return whether two triangles are perspective
template<Projective_plane2 P>auto harm_conj(const P& A, const P& B, const P& C) -> P -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_generic2 _P>auto harm_conj(const _P& A, const _P& B, const _P& C) -> _P -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane2 P>auto is_harmonic(const P& A, const P& B, const P& C, const P& D) -> bool -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>void check_pappus(const Triple<P>& co1, const Triple<P>& co2)
- Check Pappus Theorem.
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>void check_desargue(const Triple<P>& tri1, const Triple<P>& tri2)
template<ring K>auto ratio_ratio(const K& a, const K& b, const K& c, const K& d) -> auto constexpr
template<typename P, typename L>auto x_ratio(const P& A, const P& B, const L& l, const L& m) -> requires constexpr Projective_
plane<P, L> auto - Cross Ratio.
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto R(const P& A, const P& B, const P& C, const P& D) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto R0(const P& A, const P& B, const P& C, const P& D) -> auto constexpr
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>auto R1(const P& A, const P& B, const P& C, const P& D) -> auto constexpr
template<typename T>concept Sequence
- Sequence.
template<typename K>concept ring
template<typename K>concept ordered_ring
template<typename Z>concept Integral
- const Args&r bool
template<class P, class L>concept Projective_plane_prim_h
- Projective plane Concept (half)
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>concept Projective_plane_prim
- Projective plane Concept (full)
template<class P>concept Projective_plane_prim2
- Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>concept Projective_plane_generic_h
- Projective plane Concept (full)
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>concept Projective_plane_generic
- Projective plane Concept (full)
template<class P>concept Projective_plane_generic2
- Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
template<class P, class L>concept Projective_plane_h
- Projective plane Concept (half)
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>concept Projective_plane
- Projective plane Concept (full)
template<class P>concept Projective_plane2
- Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
template<class P, class L>concept Projective_plane_coord_h
- Projective plane Concept (half)
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>concept Projective_plane_coord
- Projective plane Concept (full)
template<class P>concept Projective_plane_coord2
- Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
Typedef documentation
#include <projgeom/common_concepts.h>
template<typename T>
using fun:: Value_type = typename T::value_type
#include <projgeom/common_concepts.h>
template<typename T>
using fun:: Element_type = typename std::decay<decltype(back(std::declval<T>()))>::type
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<typename P>
using fun:: Triple = std::tuple<P, P, P>
Function documentation
#include <projgeom/ck_plane.hpp>
template<ordered_ring Q_t>
auto fun:: check_sine_law(const Triple<Q_t>& Q,
const Triple<Q_t>& S) -> bool constexpr
check sine law
Template parameters | |
Q_t | |
Parameters | |
Q in | |
S in | |
Returns | true |
#include <projgeom/ck_plane.hpp>
template<ordered_ring K>
auto fun:: check_cross_TQF(const Triple<K>& Q) constexpr
Template parameters | |
K | |
Parameters | |
Q in | |
Returns | constexpr auto |
#include <projgeom/ck_plane.hpp>
template<ordered_ring K>
auto fun:: check_cross_law(const Triple<K>& S,
const K& q3) constexpr
Template parameters | |
K | |
Parameters | |
S in | |
q3 in | |
Returns | constexpr auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: fB(const L& l) -> typename L::dual constexpr
Parameters | |
l in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: is_perpendicular(const L& l,
const L& m) -> bool constexpr
Parameters | |
l in | |
m in | |
Returns | true |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: is_parallel(const L& l,
const L& m) -> bool constexpr
Parameters | |
l in | |
m in | |
Returns | true |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<typename P, typename L>
requires constexpr Projective_ plane_ coord<P, L> auto fun:: altitude(const P& a,
const L& l) -> L
Parameters | |
a in | |
l in | |
Returns | L |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: tri_altitude(const Triple<P>& tri) constexpr
Parameters | |
tri in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: orthocenter(const Triple<P>& tri) -> P constexpr
Parameters | |
tri in | |
Returns | P |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: reflect(const L& m) constexpr
Parameters | |
m in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: midpoint(const P& a,
const P& b) -> P constexpr
Parameters | |
a in | |
b in | |
Returns | P |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: tri_midpoint(const Triple<P>& tri) -> Triple< P > constexpr
Parameters | |
tri in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: uc_point(const Value_ type<P>& lda1,
const Value_ type<P>& mu1) constexpr
Parameters | |
lda1 in | |
mu1 in | |
Returns | P |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<ordered_ring _Q>
auto fun:: Ar(const _Q& a,
const _Q& b,
const _Q& c) constexpr
Archimedes's function.
Template parameters | |
_Q | |
Parameters | |
a in | |
b in | |
c in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<typename _Q>
auto fun:: cqq(const _Q& a,
const _Q& b,
const _Q& c,
const _Q& d) constexpr
Cyclic quadrilateral quadrea theorem.
Template parameters | |
_Q | |
Parameters | |
a in | |
b in | |
c in | |
d in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane.hpp>
template<typename T>
auto fun:: Ptolemy(const T& quad) -> bool constexpr
Parameters | |
quad in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<typename K>
requires constexpr Integral<K> auto fun:: quad1(const K& x1,
const K& z1,
const K& x2,
const K& z2)
Template parameters | |
K | |
Parameters | |
x1 in | |
z1 in | |
x2 in | |
z2 in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<typename K>
auto fun:: quad1(const K& x1,
const K& z1,
const K& x2,
const K& z2) constexpr
Template parameters | |
K | |
Parameters | |
x1 in | |
z1 in | |
x2 in | |
z2 in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: quadrance(const P& a1,
const P& a2) constexpr
Parameters | |
a1 in | |
a2 in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<typename... Args>
auto fun:: quadrance_copy(const Args&... args) constexpr
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L, typename T>
auto fun:: sbase(const L& l1,
const L& l2,
const T& d) constexpr
Parameters | |
l1 in | |
l2 in | |
d in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: spread(const L& l1,
const L& l2) constexpr
Parameters | |
l1 in | |
l2 in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: tri_quadrance(const Triple<P>& triangle) constexpr
Parameters | |
triangle in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: tri_spread(const Triple<L>& trilateral) constexpr
Parameters | |
trilateral in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: cross_s(const L& l1,
const L& l2) constexpr
Parameters | |
l1 in | |
l2 in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: distance(const P& a,
const P& b) constexpr
Parameters | |
a in | |
b in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/euclid_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 L>
auto fun:: angle(const L& l,
const L& m) constexpr
Parameters | |
l in | |
m in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/fractions.hpp>
template<typename T>
auto fun:: abs(const T& a) -> T constexpr
Template parameters | |
T | |
Parameters | |
a in | |
Returns | T |
#include <projgeom/fractions.hpp>
template<Integral _Mn>
auto fun:: gcd_recur(const _Mn& __m,
const _Mn& __n) -> _Mn constexpr
Greatest common divider.
Template parameters | |
_Mn | |
Parameters | |
__m in | |
__n in | |
Returns | _Mn |
#include <projgeom/fractions.hpp>
template<Integral _Mn>
auto fun:: gcd(const _Mn& __m,
const _Mn& __n) -> _Mn constexpr
Greatest common divider.
Template parameters | |
_Mn | |
Parameters | |
__m in | |
__n in | |
Returns | _Mn |
#include <projgeom/fractions.hpp>
template<Integral _Mn>
auto fun:: lcm(const _Mn& __m,
const _Mn& __n) -> _Mn constexpr
Least common multiple.
Template parameters | |
_Mn | |
Parameters | |
__m in | |
__n in | |
Returns | _Mn |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: cross0(const std::array<_K, 3>& v,
const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K
1st term of Cross product
Template parameters | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | 1st term of Cross product |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: cross1(const std::array<_K, 3>& v,
const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K
2nd term of Cross product
Template parameters | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | 2nd term of Cross product |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: cross2(const std::array<_K, 3>& v,
const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K
3rd term of Cross product
Template parameters | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | 3rd term of Cross product |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<typename P>
requires ring<Value_ type<P>> auto fun:: cross(const P& v,
const P& w) -> std::array< Value_type< P >, 3 >
Cross product.
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | Cross product |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: dot_c(const std::array<_K, 3>& v,
const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K
Dot product.
Template parameters | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _T, ring _K>
auto fun:: plucker_c(const _T& ld,
const std::array<_K, 3>& v1,
const _T& mu,
const std::array<_K, 3>& v2) -> std::array< _K, 3 >
generic Plucker function
Template parameters | |
_T | |
_K | data type |
Parameters | |
ld in | lamda |
v1 | |
mu in | |
v2 | |
Returns | lamda*v + mu*w |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: dot1(const std::array<_K, 3>& v,
const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K
dot product of the (0,1)-component of two vectors
Template parameters | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: dot2(const std::array<_K, 3>& v,
const std::array<_K, 3>& w) -> _K
dot product of the (0,2)-component of two vectors
Template parameters | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
v in | |
w in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/pg_common.hpp>
template<typename T>
auto fun:: sq(const T& a) constexpr
Square function.
Template parameters | |
T | data type |
Parameters | |
a in | input value |
Returns | a^2 |
#include <projgeom/pg_line.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: meet(const pg_ line<_K>& l,
const pg_ line<_K>& m) -> pg_point< _K > constexpr
Return meet of two lines.
#include <projgeom/pg_object.hpp>
template<typename P, ring _K = Value_type<P>>
auto fun:: plucker(const _K& ld1,
const P& p,
const _K& mu1,
const P& q) -> P constexpr
Template parameters | |
P | |
_K | |
Parameters | |
ld1 | |
p in | |
mu1 in | |
q in | |
Returns | P |
#include <projgeom/pg_object.hpp>
template<ring _K, typename _dual, class _Stream>
auto fun:: operator<<(_Stream& os,
const pg_ object<_K, _dual>& p) -> _Stream &
Template parameters | |
_K | |
_dual | |
_Stream | |
Parameters | |
os in | |
p in | |
Returns | _Stream& |
#include <projgeom/pg_point.hpp>
template<ring _K>
auto fun:: join(const pg_ point<_K>& p,
const pg_ point<_K>& q) -> pg_line< _K > constexpr
Return join of two points.
Parameters | |
p in | |
q in | |
Returns | pg_line<_K> |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<typename P, typename L>
requires constexpr Projective_ plane<P, L> auto fun:: incident(const P& p,
const L& l) -> bool
Parameters | |
p in | |
l in | |
Returns | true |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<typename L, typename... Args>
fun:: requires(Projective_ plane_ prim<L, Args>&& ...) const expr auto coincident(const L &l
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>
auto fun:: tri_dual(const Triple<P>& tri) constexpr
Parameters | |
tri in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P, typename Fn>
auto fun:: tri_func(Fn&& func,
const Triple<P>& tri) constexpr
Parameters | |
func in | |
tri in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>
auto fun:: persp(const Triple<P>& tri1,
const Triple<P>& tri2) -> bool constexpr
return whether two triangles are perspective
Parameters | |
tri1 in | |
tri2 in | |
Returns | true |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane2 P>
auto fun:: harm_conj(const P& A,
const P& B,
const P& C) -> P constexpr
Template parameters | |
P | |
Parameters | |
A in | |
B in | |
C in | |
Returns | constexpr P |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_generic2 _P>
auto fun:: harm_conj(const _P& A,
const _P& B,
const _P& C) -> _P constexpr
Parameters | |
A in | |
B in | |
C in | |
Returns | constexpr P |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane2 P>
auto fun:: is_harmonic(const P& A,
const P& B,
const P& C,
const P& D) -> bool constexpr
Parameters | |
A in | |
B in | |
C in | |
D in | |
Returns | constexpr auto |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>
void fun:: check_pappus(const Triple<P>& co1,
const Triple<P>& co2)
Check Pappus Theorem.
Template parameters | |
P | |
Parameters | |
co1 in | |
co2 in |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_prim2 P>
void fun:: check_desargue(const Triple<P>& tri1,
const Triple<P>& tri2)
Parameters | |
tri1 in | |
tri2 in |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_measure.hpp>
template<ring K>
auto fun:: ratio_ratio(const K& a,
const K& b,
const K& c,
const K& d) constexpr
Template parameters | |
K | |
Parameters | |
a in | |
b in | |
c in | |
d in | |
Returns | auto |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_measure.hpp>
template<typename P, typename L>
requires constexpr Projective_ plane<P, L> auto fun:: x_ratio(const P& A,
const P& B,
const L& l,
const L& m)
Cross Ratio.
Template parameters | |
P | |
L | |
Parameters | |
A in | point \in P |
B in | point \in P |
l in | line \in P |
m in | line \in P |
Returns | cross ratio R(A,B;l,m) |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: R(const P& A,
const P& B,
const P& C,
const P& D) constexpr
Parameters | |
A in | |
B in | |
C in | |
D in | |
Returns | constexpr auto |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: R0(const P& A,
const P& B,
const P& C,
const P& D) constexpr
Parameters | |
A in | |
B in | |
C in | |
D in | |
Returns | constexpr auto |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_measure.hpp>
template<Projective_plane_coord2 P>
auto fun:: R1(const P& A,
const P& B,
const P& C,
const P& D) constexpr
Parameters | |
A in | |
B in | |
C in | |
D in | |
Returns | constexpr auto |
Variable documentation
#include <projgeom/common_concepts.h>
template<typename T>
concept fun:: Sequence
Template parameters | |
T |
#include <projgeom/common_concepts.h>
template<typename K>
concept fun:: ring
#include <projgeom/common_concepts.h>
template<typename K>
concept fun:: ordered_ring
#include <projgeom/common_concepts.h>
template<typename Z>
concept fun:: Integral
const Args&r fun:: bool
#include <projgeom/proj_plane.hpp>
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_prim_h
Projective plane Concept (half)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_prim
Projective plane Concept (full)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_prim2
Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_generic_h
Projective plane Concept (full)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_generic
Projective plane Concept (full)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_generic2
Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_h
Projective plane Concept (half)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>
concept fun:: Projective_plane
Projective plane Concept (full)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P>
concept fun:: Projective_plane2
Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_coord_h
Projective plane Concept (half)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P, class L = typename P::dual>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_coord
Projective plane Concept (full)
Template parameters | |
P | Point |
L | Line |
#include <projgeom/proj_plane_concepts.h>
template<class P>
concept fun:: Projective_plane_coord2
Shorthand Notation of Projective_plane.
Template parameters | |
P | Point |