template<typename T>
py::RangeIterator struct

Template parameters

Public types

using iterator_category = std::output_iterator_tag
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using value_type = T
using pointer = T*
using reference = T&
using const_reference = const T&
using key_type = T

Public functions

auto operator!=(const RangeIterator& other) const -> bool -> auto constexpr
Not equal to.
auto operator==(const RangeIterator& other) const -> bool -> auto constexpr
Equal to operator.
auto operator*() const -> const_reference -> CONSTEXPR14 auto
auto operator*() -> reference -> CONSTEXPR14 auto
auto operator++() -> RangeIterator & -> CONSTEXPR14 auto
The code snippet you provided is defining the pre-increment operator (operator++()) for the RangeIterator struct. This operator is used to increment the iterator to the next element in the range.
auto operator++(int) -> RangeIterator -> CONSTEXPR14 auto
The code snippet you provided is defining the post-increment operator (operator++(int)) for the RangeIterator struct. This operator is used to increment the iterator to the next element in the range, but it returns a copy of the iterator before the increment.

Public variables

T i

Function documentation

template<typename T>
auto py::RangeIterator<T>::operator!=(const RangeIterator& other) const -> bool constexpr

Not equal to.

other in other is a RangeIterator object that represents another iterator.
Returns The operator!= function returns a boolean value indicating whether the two iterators are not equal.

The operator!= function checks if the current iterator is not equal to another iterator.

template<typename T>
auto py::RangeIterator<T>::operator==(const RangeIterator& other) const -> bool constexpr

Equal to operator.

other in other is a RangeIterator object that is being compared to the current iterator.
Returns The operator== function returns a boolean value indicating whether the two iterators are equal.

The operator== function checks if the current iterator is equal to another iterator.

template<typename T>
CONSTEXPR14 auto py::RangeIterator<T>::operator*() const -> const_reference

Returns The operator*() function is returning a const_reference, which is the value that the iterator points to.

The operator*() function is used to dereference the iterator and return the value it points to.

template<typename T>
CONSTEXPR14 auto py::RangeIterator<T>::operator*() -> reference

Returns The operator*() function is returning a reference to the value that the iterator points to.

The operator*() function is used to dereference the iterator and return the value it points to.

template<typename T>
CONSTEXPR14 auto py::RangeIterator<T>::operator++() -> RangeIterator &

The code snippet you provided is defining the pre-increment operator (operator++()) for the RangeIterator struct. This operator is used to increment the iterator to the next element in the range.

Returns RangeIterator&

template<typename T>
CONSTEXPR14 auto py::RangeIterator<T>::operator++(int) -> RangeIterator

The code snippet you provided is defining the post-increment operator (operator++(int)) for the RangeIterator struct. This operator is used to increment the iterator to the next element in the range, but it returns a copy of the iterator before the increment.

Returns RangeIterator