Lecture 1a: 可制造性设计算法


👓 教学目的

  • 了解超大规模集成电路可制造性设计的发展
  • 掌握可制造性设计自动化的一些实用算法及其基本原理
  • 宁缺勿滥 -- avoid "no-time-to-think" syndrome


  • 简介:可制造性设计的发展概况,工艺参数变动对芯片性能影响的问题
  • 基本软件开发原理,电子设计自动化,
  • 基本算法原理:算法范式、算法复杂度,优化算法简介
  • 统计与空间相关性提取:参数与非参数方法
  • 鲁棒性电路优化算法,仿射算术、鲁棒几何规划问题。
  • 基于统计时序分析的时钟偏差安排
  • 交替相移掩模简介,版图相位分配问题,Hadlock 算法
  • 光刻问题,双/多图案技术,
  • 混合光刻技术
  • Redundant Via Insertion

📚 Reference books


作业/实验40%PPT 讲演


  • Working on "DfM" for over 10 years.
  • Working on large-scale software development for almost 20 years.
  • Working on algorithm design for over 20 years.
  • Ye Zhang, Wai-Shing Luk et al. Network flow based cut redistribution and insertion for advanced 1D layout design, Proceedings of 2017 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), (awarded best paper nomination)
  • Yunfeng Yang, Wai-Shing Luk et al. Layout Decomposition Co-optimization for Hybrid E-beam and Multiple Patterning Lithography, in Proceeding of the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (2015)
  • Xingbao Zhou, Wai-Shing Luk, et. al. "Multi-Parameter Clock Skew Scheduling." Integration, the VLSI Journal (accepted).
  • Ye Zhang, Wai-Shing Luk et al. Layout Decomposition with Pairwise Coloring for Multiple Patterning Lithography, Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Computer Aided-Design (awarded best paper nomination)
  • 魏晗一,陆伟成,一种用于双成像光刻中的版图分解算法,《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,2013
  • Ye Zhang, Wai-Shing Luk et al. Network flow based cut redistribution and insertion for advanced 1D layout design, Proceedings of 2017 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), (awarded best paper nomination)
  • Yunfeng Yang, Wai-Shing Luk et al. Layout Decomposition Co-optimization for Hybrid E-beam and Multiple Patterning Lithography, in Proceeding of the 20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (2015)
  • Xingbao Zhou, Wai-Shing Luk, et. al. "Multi-Parameter Clock Skew Scheduling." Integration, the VLSI Journal (accepted).
  • Ye Zhang, Wai-Shing Luk et al. Layout Decomposition with Pairwise Coloring for Multiple Patterning Lithography, Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Computer Aided-Design (awarded best paper nomination)
  • 魏晗一,陆伟成,一种用于双成像光刻中的版图分解算法,《复旦学报(自然科学版)》,2013
  • Yanling Zhi, Wai-Shing Luk, Yi Wang, Changhao Yan, Xuan Zeng, Yield-Driven Clock Skew Scheduling for Arbitrary Distributions of Critical Path Delays, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E95-A, No.12, pp.2172-2181, 2012.
  • 李佳宁,陆伟成,片内偏差空间相关性的非参数化估计方法,《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 Non-parametric Approach for Spatial Correlation Estimation of Intra-die Variation, 2012,vol. 51, no 1, pp. 27-32
  • Wai-Shing Luk and Huiping Huang, Fast and Lossless Graph Division Method for Layout Decomposition Using SPQR-Tree, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computer Aided-Design, pp. 112-115, 2010
  • Yanling Zhi, Wai-Shing Luk, Yi Wang, Changhao Yan, Xuan Zeng, Yield-Driven Clock Skew Scheduling for Arbitrary Distributions of Critical Path Delays, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E95-A, No.12, pp.2172-2181, 2012.
  • 李佳宁,陆伟成,片内偏差空间相关性的非参数化估计方法,《复旦学报(自然科学版)》 Non-parametric Approach for Spatial Correlation Estimation of Intra-die Variation, 2012,vol. 51, no 1, pp. 27-32
  • Wai-Shing Luk and Huiping Huang, Fast and Lossless Graph Division Method for Layout Decomposition Using SPQR-Tree, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computer Aided-Design, pp. 112-115, 2010
  • Qiang Fu, Wai-Shing Luk et al., Intra-die Spatial Correlation Extraction with Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Multiple Test Chips, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E92-A,No.12,pp.-,Dec. 2009.
  • Qiang Fu, Wai-Shing Luk et al., Characterizing Intra-Die Spatial Correlation Using Spectral Density Fitting Method, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. 92-A(7): 1652-1659, 2009.
  • Yi Wang, Wai-Shing Luk, et al., Timing Yield Driven Clock Skew Scheduling Considering non-Gaussian Distributions of Critical Path Delays, Proceedings of the 45th Design Automation Conference, USA, pp. 223-226, 2008.
  • 宋宇, 刘学欣, 陆伟成, 唐璞山, 一种鲁棒性几何规划新方法设计两级运放, 微电子学与计算机, 2008 年 25 卷 3 期, 175-181 页.
  • Qiang Fu, Wai-Shing Luk et al., Intra-die Spatial Correlation Extraction with Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Multiple Test Chips, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E92-A,No.12,pp.-,Dec. 2009.
  • Qiang Fu, Wai-Shing Luk et al., Characterizing Intra-Die Spatial Correlation Using Spectral Density Fitting Method, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. 92-A(7): 1652-1659, 2009.
  • Yi Wang, Wai-Shing Luk, et al., Timing Yield Driven Clock Skew Scheduling Considering non-Gaussian Distributions of Critical Path Delays, Proceedings of the 45th Design Automation Conference, USA, pp. 223-226, 2008.
  • 宋宇, 刘学欣, 陆伟成, 唐璞山, 一种鲁棒性几何规划新方法设计两级运放, 微电子学与计算机, 2008 年 25 卷 3 期, 175-181 页.
  • 方君, 陆伟成, 赵文庆. 工艺参数变化下的基于统计时序分析的时钟偏差安排, 计算机辅助设计与图形学报,第 19 卷,第 9 期,pp.1172~1177,2007 年 9 月
  • FANG Jun, LUK Wai-Shing et al., True Worst-Case Clock Skew Estimation under Process Variations Using Affine Arithmetic, Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 16, no. 4, pages 631-636, 2007.
  • Xuexin Liu, Wai-Shing Luk et al., Robust Analog Circuit Sizing Using Ellipsoid Method and Affine Arithmetic, in Proceeding of the 12th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pages 203-208, 2007.
  • J. Fang, W.-S. Luk and W. Zhao. A Novel Statistical Clock Skew Estimation Method, in The Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Solid-state and Integrated Circuit Technology, pp.1928-1930, 2006.